All posts by Penny Dacks, PhD

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Avoid Risks

Fear of AGEs

Fear of AGEs

You may not have heard of advanced glycation endproducts (AGEs), but chances are you've eaten them.

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Avoid Risks

Danger in the Air: Does Pollution Raise Your Dementia Risk?

Danger in the Air: Does Pollution Raise Your Dementia Risk?

A recent study suggests that living near a major roadway may raise the risk of dementia.

Avoid Risks

What APOE Means for Your Health

What APOE Means for Your Health

APOE4 alleles are the greatest genetic risk factor for late-onset Alzheimer's.

Avoid Risks

More Medications, More Risks

More Medications, More Risks

While most medications help you live longer, healthier lives, taking a lot of them simultaneously can lead to impaired cognition.

Avoid Risks

Manage Hypertension, Prevent Dementia?

Manage Hypertension, Prevent Dementia?

The CDC estimates than 75 million adults in America have high blood pressure and only half have it under control.

Avoid Risks

Proton Pump Inhibitors: Do Heartburn Drugs Increase Your Risk of Dementia?

Proton Pump Inhibitors: Do Heartburn Drugs Increase Your Risk of Dementia?

Could common heartburn drugs put you at risk of dementia? 

Get the Science

Could Alzheimer’s Be Treated with an Anti-Viral Drug?

Could Alzheimer’s Be Treated with an Anti-Viral Drug?

Scientists have posited that Alzheimer's may be caused by chronic brain infections. If it's true, could it be treated with an anti-viral drug?

Live Smart

New Findings Give More Reason to Improve Your Heart Health

New Findings Give More Reason to Improve Your Heart Health

Results from the Framingham Heart Study reinforce a reassuring trend—the risk of dementia is decreasing for many older people.

Live Smart

Building Cognitive Reserve: Do Computer Games Really Work?

Building Cognitive Reserve: Do Computer Games Really Work?

The FTC cracks down on health claims from popular brain training games. 

Avoid Risks

Contact Sports and Amateur Athletes: A Risky Combination?

Contact Sports and Amateur Athletes: A Risky Combination?

Amateur contact sports can pose a risk to the brain, but is it enough to hang up the cleats?

Eat Healthy

Celebrating National Chocolate Day

Celebrating National Chocolate Day

Could you improve your brain health if you treat every day as National Chocolate Day? 

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