High LDL-cholesterol can negatively impact brain function and increase the risk for dementia.
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Features associated with climate change such as extreme heat and storms can stress the brain in ways that impair its function.
Experiences of awe, which induce a sense of belonging, are associated with lower levels of stress and a greater sense of well-being.
The 2024 Lancet Commission reported that 45% of dementia cases may be preventable by addressing 14 lifestyle factors.
Liver dysfunction can impair cognition through multiple mechanisms, some of which may be reversible.
Your animal friend may help improve your cognitive health.
The cognitive benefits of later life education may be enhanced by optimizing the conditions of the learning environment.
A recent meta-analysis reported that a daily multivitamin supplement improved overall cognitive function and memory in older adults.
A study reported a connection between ADHD diagnosis in adulthood and higher dementia risk.
Many types of fabrics are treated with chemicals that can be harmful to the human brain and body.
Excessive consumption of no calorie sweeteners may carry some of same health risks as sugar.