The ADDF works with the National Institute of Aging (NIA) and the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) to provide additional funding opportunities for applicants and grantees.

1. The ADDF provides funding to US-based companies that were awarded Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) or Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) grants from the NIA and need bridge funding to obtain additional data in support of an SBIR/STTR-Phase 2 grant or for other NIH grants. Receiving interim funding from ADDF will also enable investigators to continue to generate data as SBIR/STTR funding decisions are being finalized.

2. Additionally, the ADDF will consider funding for relevant grant applications from academic groups and biotech companies that were submitted to the NIA or the NINDS and were scored but not funded. To be considered for funding, the proposed work should fall within the ADDF’s mission and current funding priorities for drug development, prevention, and neuroimaging and CSF biomarkers.

Companies should review ADDF's current funding priorities for and apply to the appropriate RFP in our Therapeutics funding programs, following the application instructions. If applicable to your submission, please upload your original NIA or NINDS applications and a copy of the study section review in the appropriate Body of the Application in the LOI.




The ADDF considers its application process an iterative one and would be happy to talk to you about your program.

For program-related inquiries, please contact:
Aaron Burstein, PharmD, Head of Search & Evaluation

For application submission inquiries, please contact:
Mission Related Investments Team

For SBIR/STTR program-related inquiries at NIA, please contact:
Zane Martin, PhD, Program Director, Translational Research, Division of Neuroscience
National Institute on Aging

For other NIA program-related inquiries, please contact:
Suzana Petanceska, PhD, Program Director, Division of Neuroscience National Institute on Aging

For NINDS program-related inquiries, please contact:
Roderick A. Corriveau, PhD, Program Director, Neurodegeneration
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke