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Neurotrack Technologies, Inc

Jordan Glenn, PhD | California, United States

Neurotrack Technologies, Inc

Jordan Glenn, PhD | California, United States

Digital Multimodal Neuropsychological Phenotyping for the Detection of Cognitive Decline in Aging Adults

The prevalence of Alzheimer's disease is expected to triple from 47 million in 2015 to 132 million in 2050 as populations age across the globe.1 Early detection of cognitive decline in aging populations remains an important goal to achieve, as it allows for earlier intervention and treatment. However, this is often difficult to accomplish because the number of older adults in need of cognitive assessment is already much higher than the number of available clinicians. Many people face barriers that prevent them from receiving a timely cognitive evaluation, such as lack of providers in the area or lack of transportation to providers. Therefore, it is critical that new methods of remote cognitive evaluation are developed so as to allow for widespread screening to meet this growing demand.

Neurotrack has developed a comprehensive platform for the assessment of cognitive health in aging populations. The assessments are designed so that they can be taken either at home or in a doctor’s office, which allows for longitudinal monitoring of cognitive function and detection of subtle changes. The assessments collect data and video of each test administration, allowing clinicians to review the administration and results, along with important contextual information. The tests can be taken on smartphones, tablets, or computers, making them widely accessible to geographically dispersed populations. The assessments collect multiple types of data including eye tracking, voice, and touch feedback to measure function in a number of cognitive domains. 

This project aims to demonstrate the ability of the cognitive assessment platform to distinguish between people with normal function, mild cognitive impairment, and Alzheimer’s disease, as well as to examine the relationship between performance on the tests and biomarkers of the disease.