We were thrilled to bring together our friends and supporters in Stockholm, Sweden for a special three-day celebration honoring the 10th anniversary of the Melvin R. Goodes Prize. This prize, which each year honors an innovative researcher who has made a significant impact on the Alzheimer's field, exemplifies the global collaboration and leadership of the ADDF.

Special dinner honoring the impact of the Goodes Prize in Stockholm City Hall, venue of the annual Nobel Prize banquet.
Dr. Howard Fillit, Dr. Miranda Orr, Dr. Jeff Cummings, Dr. Frank Longo, Dr. Henrik Zetterberg, Dr. Miia Kivipelto, Ambassador Erik Ramanathan, Dr. D. Martin Watterson, Dr. Roberta Diaz Brinton, Dr. Rhoda Au, Dr. Jerri Rook, and Mark Roithmayr in the Golden Hall of Stockholm City Hall.
Our Goodes Prize scientists are joined by President at Karolinska Institutet Annika Östman Wernerson (front left) and Her Majesty Queen Silvia of Sweden (front middle) for a full-day scientific symposium highlighting their cutting-edge research, which spans the full scope of the biology of aging.
Gary Lauder presents Dr. Howard Fillit with the inaugural Lauder Family Award for Excellence and Innovation.
2024 Goodes Prize recipient Dr. Henrik Zetterberg accepts his medal from U.S. Ambassador to the Kingdom of Sweden Erik Ramanathan.
Dr. Jeff Cummings, Dr. Rhoda Au, Dr. Howard Fillit, Dr. Henrik Zetterberg, and Dr. Miia Kivipelto participate on a panel centered on biomarkers and precision prevention moderated by Niranjan Bose of Gates Ventures.
Her Majesty Queen Silvia of Sweden presents a special address noting the outstanding accomplishments of the remarkable scientists who have received the prestigious Goodes Prize.
Family of Nancy Goodes, who along with her husband Mel Goodes, founded the Goodes Prize. Mel Goodes was a pharmaceutical pioneer and former CEO of Warner-Lambert Company who channeled his unique knowledge of the drug industry into Alzheimer's advocacy after being diagnosed with the disease.
(Back row) Dr. D. Martin Watterson, Dr. Jeff Cummings, Dr. Jerri Rook, Dr. Miia Kivipelto, (front row) Dr. Frank Longo, Dr. Roberta Diaz Brinton, Dr. Howard Fillit, Nancy Goodes, Gary Lauder, Randal Sandler, Dr. Henrik Zetterberg, Dr. Miranda Orr, and Dr. Rhoda Au on the steps of the Blue Hall in Stockholm City Hall.
Medals designed for the ADDF’s Goodes Prize recipients by noted medalist and sculptor, Heidi Wastweet.
All ten Goodes Prize scientists participate on a panel highlighting the contributions they have made to advancing Alzheimer’s science.
Dr. Jeff Cummings, recipient of the 2019 Goodes Prize, gives a talk highlighting the ADDF’s impact on the current Alzheimer's pipeline.

It was a privilege to convene key scientific, government, and industry leaders from around the world to mark the incredible contributions our Goodes Prize winners have made over the past decade, shaping and leading the science along with the ADDF. Our ultimate goal is a combination therapy and precision medicine approach to treating Alzheimer’s that allows us to use biomarkers to pinpoint the unique causes of each patient’s disease and combine multiple drugs to target these pathologies. And thanks to the cutting-edge research of our prize recipients and the dedication of the Goodes family, who founded this award, we are well on our way.